Born in Tenerife on April 2, 1994, María López, better known as Marie de la Rue or “La rue art”, left her island to move to France, working on new ideas and deepening her own drawing style.

From a very young age she was seduced by the world art, in many of its forms. In 2014 she specialized in what she loved, the world of traditional illustration and intaglio engraving techniques.

She visited various countries that gave life to her world, but eventually settled in Les Bordes-sur-Arirze, a small town south of Toulouse, where musicians, artists and farmers met to create a small utopian society.

She exhibited her art in various places in Toulouse and its surroundings, and sold her art in different cultural spaces throughout France. 

She also feels a deep interest in Japanese mythology and its traditional illustration techniques, she immerses herself to such an extent that some of here works acquire a different style, with new figures and colours.

“Ríos, campos de flores, puentes de piedra y paseos por “la Vallée” de los Pirineos, son mi fuente de inspiración, mis mentores, aquellos que me ayudan a plasmar la belleza sobre el papel.

Todo el mundo tiene un pequeño jardín creativo dentro de sí mismo, solo hay que regarlo, echar abono y cuidarlo bien, pues no sabemos la cantidad de cosas mágicas e increíbles que hay dentro de nosotros.”